How To Be A Multi-Hyphenate (Without Losing Your Mind)

So you want to be a multi-hyphenate... That's great! But as anyone with multiple careers knows, constantly changing from one thing to another can be exhausting, especially when balancing it with other aspects of your life. So how do you manage it all? Here are some practical tips for balancing a multi-hyphenate lifestyle:

1. Figure out what is important to you.

What do you want to do? What are your dreams? How much time are you willing to dedicate to them, and how much money are you willing to invest? Figure out your priorities and start making a plan.

What do you need to do to get there? This is where it gets tricky. If your work is more important than whatever hobbies or passions occupy the rest of your time, then go ahead—make that sacrifice. But if something else is more important than work, then go with that instead. The point here is to figure out what's most valuable in life for YOU and make decisions accordingly.

2. Don't feel like you're not allowed to be a multi-hyphenate and pursue all of your interests.

Do whatever you want to do. The world owes you nothing, and neither does your employer, so don't let anyone tell you that it's "impossible" or "you can't do both of those things at once." You can go from being an animal lover to a science enthusiast to a musician in one day! If someone tries telling you otherwise, ignore them.

Honestly, I think the biggest challenge for me was becoming comfortable with being honest about my interests and goals with people outside my immediate circle. I would get nervous about sharing anything outside of what was expected or wanted out of me (or social norms), but now I feel confident enough with myself and my work that I can speak up when needed without feeling weird about it!

3. Take time to learn, learn, learn.

You know, it's okay to ask for help. We all need a little help sometimes. If you're trying something new and have no idea what you're doing, don't hesitate to reach out. You may be surprised at the answers that people offer up.

And if someone is willing to share their expertise with you—if someone takes the time out of their busy lives and offers advice—then consider yourself lucky! Please don't waste this opportunity to gain wisdom by taking advantage of them (or being obnoxious about it). Take their words into consideration and let them guide your path as much as possible.

4. Don't give up, and don't listen to anyone who tries to tell you that you can't do something.

It's easy to get discouraged. I know that for me, the worst days are when I can't seem to make any progress on my goals. And believe me, I have MANY days like that! But it's essential not to quit or give up entirely because of those bad days.

Instead, try to focus on how far you've come and all of your past accomplishments in order to feel better about yourself and your abilities. If someone says they don't think you can do something or be successful at something—don't listen! Everyone has their opinion; don't let them discourage you from making goals for yourself.

5. Be who you GENUINELY want to be.

I think it's important to remember that no one should tell you what to do with your life, and if they do, don't listen. The best way to find happiness is by doing what interests you and being who you genuinely want to be—and if that means being a multi-hyphenate, then so be it! Just be sure to identify ways to balance everything in your life so that none of your passions gets neglected or taken advantage of over another.

Dre Moore

Father. Artist. Executive.

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What Is “The Multi-Hyphen Lifestyle”?